Preventive Healthcare: 8 Ways to Maintain Strong Muscles

While most people reach their physical peak during their 20s and 30s, there’s plenty that older adults can do to stay strong. If you’ve lost muscle due to an inactive lifestyle, there’s a very good chance you can gain it back. That’s good news, since higher muscle mass is associated with lower mortality, lower risk […]

9 Unexpected Energy Boosters for Older Adults

When most people think of “energy boosters,” they think of coffee, energy drinks and other caffeine-containing products. While the jury’s out on the merits of caffeine, relying on it for daily energy can certainly create haphazard peaks and valleys in your energy levels. Fortunately, there are plenty of better, more sustainable strategies for staying alert […]

Redefining community wellness one patient at a time

Community wellness is on the mind of many within the healthcare industry, driving increases in holistic health outreach programs and initiatives for older adults who are more vulnerable to health problems, but the greatest impact is driven by actions of the individual, and personalized programs that provide support and accountability.   When someone is in […]

The impact of social isolation on older adults

Social isolation isn’t just a mental health issue for older adults; it’s deeply connected to physical health, even mortality. Unhappily, it’s also a growing trend. It was easy to love the Golden Girls. Snarky, sarcastic Dorothy, Blanche the Southern belle, oblivious Rose and the matriarch of the group, Sophia… But perhaps the most delightful part […]

New year, new you: embracing positive lifestyle changes

  As seen in January 2018 LiveWell magazine Whether you vow to lose weight, exercise more or give back to those in need, the start of the new year is the perfect time to set achievable goals and make positive lifestyle changes to remain healthy and independent for many years to come. Focus on wellness […]

3 ways the right attitude impacts your ability to live independently

People say attitude is everything, but why? How does attitude impact life, especially your ability to live independently once you’re over 65? The answer is beautiful in its simplicity: attitudes drive behavior. The way we think and our deepest beliefs create decisions that bring those thoughts to life.   We can’t have a negative attitude […]

The power of gratitude

Gratitude is powerful. One of the world’s most knowledgeable and passionate believers in mind-body medicine─Deepak Chopra─says it best, “Giving thanks for abundance is greater than abundance itself.” In a recent blog article about the healing power of gratitude, Chopra outlines how those who cultivate a grateful outlook feel better about their lives and experience greater, […]

6 ways to proactively manage your own health care

Can preventative action help curb the rising cost of health care? It can substantially reduce our own out-of-pocket costs, certainly, and help us live independently longer. Taking ownership of our bodies, health and wellness as a proactive prevention measure has never been more important. Why pay (or suffer?) for something we can prevent? Becoming more […]

Important facts about Arizona’s Medicare open enrollment

‘Tis the season for Medicare open enrollment! It’s the perfect time to make changes if you’re not happy with your current plan, or need to adjust your benefits in some way. It’s also important to read any mail or email notifications about your plan. There’s nothing worse than learning about an important change after open […]

The Mental Age Test & Why It Matters

Taking a mental age test can be fun, but its true importance is cloaked behind the entertainment value: for anyone age fifty and above, a youthful mental age can signify an active adult who’s involved in life. This is a good thing, not only for bragging rights on Facebook. It can be a symbol you’re […]

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