A Checklist for Aging in Place: 3 Things to Consider
If you or your loved one is considering aging in place, the best advice is this: Be honest and be prepared. A candid assessment of health (both physical and mental) and unique needs helps you determine if aging in place is truly the right choice. If it is, the next step is to prepare a […]
7 Things to Do Now for the Best Retirement Possible
Whether you’ve been counting the years until retirement, or it suddenly snuck up on you, one thing is certain: Facing this new phase in your life is exciting and overwhelming. How will you spend your days? What should you do first? What retirement goals should you commit to? If you retired from a full-time position, […]
5 Holes in Your Long-Term Care Insurance
With 70 percent of people over the age of 65 needing some form of long-term care in their lifetime, investing in long-term care insurance can be a helpful way to minimize future financial strain. Unfortunately, even the best long-term care insurance plans aren’t comprehensive—and you don’t want to be surprised by unsuspected holes in your […]
Don’t Make these 4 Retirement Savings Mistakes
There is a lot of information about retirement planning available from many different sources. With so much conflicting advice, it’s easy to fall prey to deceitful offers. But how can you separate the good from the bad to make sure you’re making the right decisions for your future? Ultimately, the choices you make for your […]
What is It Like to Live in a Luxury Life Care Community?
Whether you’ve been researching for months, or you’re just beginning to compare your retirement options, chances are you have lots of questions about Life Care communities—specifically luxury Life Care communities. And no matter how many pamphlets you read or virtual tours you take, you’re still probably a little unsure about what it’s like to actually […]
5 Things to Consider When Comparing Life Care Communities
If the mere thought of planning for your full retirement fills you with dread, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Planning for any stage in life can be stressful, promote feelings of uncertainty and seem like quite a bit of work. And if you’re an older adult considering the move to a Life Care community, you may […]
When Should I Create a Retirement Care Plan?
You know planning for the future is important, but when should you start? All too often, older adults wait until a negative health event before beginning to plan for their long-term care . This can leave you in the unfortunate position of having to make a quick decision that focuses much more on what you need—rather […]
Do Retirees Need Long-Term Care Insurance?
Planning for your own long-term care can be an unsettling topic, but being prepared to handle life’s challenges as you age is an important step for ensuring a comfortable future. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 70 percent of people over the age of 65 can expect to need some type of […]
Aging in Place: Why You Don’t Have to Leave Home
There’s no place quite like home. It’s the place where you bake your treats, lovingly tend to your garden and make special memories with family and friends. Many older adults worry they’ll face a day when living at home will no longer be an option. Today’s retirees have access to unique resources that can make […]
Is Aging in Place More Expensive than a Senior Care Facility?
Considering aging in place? You’re not alone. According to a survey by AARP, 87 percent of seniors hope to stay in their own homes as they age. So long as it suits you, spending your retirement in your home is likely ideal. However, after spending many years saving up retirement funds, you probably want to […]