Sun Health’s Communities at The Colonnade, Grandview Terrace and La Loma Village recognize the hard work and dedication of each Environmental Services (EVS) team member at Sun Health. Take a moment to read the touching comments from our campuses.

The sentiment is the same across the communities – Sun Health would not have been able to keep residents and employees safe from COVID-19 without the support of EVS.

“No department was affected more by COVID -19 than our EVS department.  While others are staying home, and working in the safety of their own homes, our EVS Team members are leaving their homes, coming to work and making sure the community, in which our residents live, remain safe from COVID -19.”

“They have gone above and beyond with extra precautions, and have willingly done what is asked of them!  The EVS team has played one of the most critical roles in mitigation efforts and because of this, we have not experienced an outbreak of COVID.  This is an incredible accomplishment because of so many similar congregate environments being challenged with this virus.  We have an amazing team, true heroes that put the safety of our residents as their priority!”

EVS team members at The Colonade had fun at a party with music, games, pizza and wings. A special thank you goes out to Rev. David Klumpenhower and Rabbi Mindie Snyder for leading this event!

Thank you to all of our EVS family for all you do!

Recognition of a close partner with EVS

Terry Wallace, director of Customer Experience at Grandview Terrace also wanted to express gratitude for our security and customer experience teams at all of our campuses due to the close partnership with EVS.

“Our customer service and security teams are on the front lines every day. We’ve had to constantly change processes and they have been there every step of the way. They’ve been our first line of protection at keeping COVID-19 from entering our campuses.”

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