Residents at La Loma Village tested out their musical memories recently during ‘Finish That Song Happy Hour.”

The festivities, complete with guacamole, salsa, cervezas and margaritas, were a hit as LLV’s talented music therapist Ione Murray challenged residents with a fun game of “Finish That Song,” while sharing little known facts about songs most of us know by heart.

For example, you may have been able to finish the lyrics to ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ but did you know that movie executives at MGM wanted to remove the scene where Dorothy sang about bluebirds and life over the rainbow because they felt it slowed down the film? Thank goodness the scene that launched Judy Garland to stardom did not end up on the cutting room floor!

Kudos to the LLV team for always providing residents with fantastic and creative activities. Resident Patti Gailbraith expressed her gratitude by saying, “You all are a Godsend for us—everything you do means so much and we are so lucky to live here.” While resident Bob Passaro, a self-proclaimed music buff who helped provide intel for the game, added “This was a lot of fun and such a pleasure! Super job and thank you for all you do!”

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