The Grandview Clinic at Grandview Terrace in Sun City West, AZ

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Grandview Clinic at Grandview Terrace – a Sun Health Senior Living Community

Doctors used to make house calls, and since 2009, that level of “at home” care for Grandview Terrace residents is as close as the fourth-floor clinic run by Radha Ramamrutham, M.D., aka “Dr. Ram”; and Judy Kinner, L.P.N., aka “Nurse Judy.”

“I have an open door policy,” said Nurse Judy. “Residents come into talk about anything. I’m a sounding board and part of the ‘social committee’ where people just stop in all the time.”

According to Dr. Ram, the clinic began with the intention of providing seniors at Grandview Terrace with easy access to health care. This includes helping them avoid prolonged waits to get an appointment with an outside practitioner for anything from routine to urgent matters, and when they get out of the hospital to avoid re-hospitalization.

“Since the beginning, we have slowly expanded and our goal is to include programs primarily for congestive heart failure, pneumonia, major poly-pharmacy medication issues and to prevent re-hospitalizations and provide easy access to care the moment they transition from hospital to home,” said Dr. Ram.

Dr. Ram, who also practices at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center, is scheduled at GVT Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment. Nurse Judy is available every weekday, and helps residents with blood pressure checks, blood draws, insurance checks, as well as managing EMT schedules and companion visits for residents. Dr. Ram is also on-call when needed, as coordinated by Nurse Judy.

For more information about Grandview Terrace go to or call (623) 975-8014

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