4 ways to get active after a fall

Falls aren’t just painful; they’re scary, too. Then, before we know it, our shaken confidence and fear of falling starts to change our lifestyle. Less gardening, less shopping, less movement. Before we know it, that new “lifestyle of less” snowballs into decline. The reduced amount of activity and mobility leads to muscle weakness and more […]

30-Second Fall Prevention Exercises, So You Can Age in Place at Home

Most of us would like to remain in our home as we get older, remaining independent, healthy and active – and there are simple things that have a major impact on our ability to age in place. Managing our health through the nutrition in foods we eat, remaining social and engaged with our communities and […]

Small Changes That Can Prevent Seniors From Falling

As our population ages and people live longer, the number of older Americans who fall and suffer serious, even fatal, injuries is soaring, according to the New York Times. Retirement communities are trying to balance safety with their residents’ desire to live as they choose. Sometimes, medication side effects for diseases and conditions most common […]

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