Senior Health: The No. 1 Best Secret to Aging Well

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senior health daily walking habit
The search for a fountain of youth has captivated explorers since the dawn of man. But 92-year-old Barbara Knickerbocker Beskind doesn’t believe anyone needs to scour the planet for the secret to successful aging. The Silicon Valley designer and occupational therapist’s prescription for a long and healthy life is to “take a daily walk.”

It seems simple, but the benefits of walking range from improving cardiovascular health and weight loss, to building muscle strength, improving balance and even combatting anxiety and depression. And all it takes is a brisk, 30-minute walk each day.

If you’re interested in tapping into this fountain of youth, here are a few tips.

5 Tips for Starting a Daily Walking Habit

1. Aim for the same time every day.

Studies have shown that good habits are more likely to stick if they’re done at roughly the same time every day. So, when you’re getting started, plan a certain time of day for your walk. Perhaps you have the most success walking first thing in the morning, or maybe you prefer an evening stroll after dinner. Either way, make it part of your routine.

2. Focus on posture.

Don’t just walk for the sake of walking; instead, use your daily walk as an opportunity to work on your posture as well. Poor posture can negatively affect balance, which is especially important for older adults.

Walk with your navel drawn in, your shoulders down and back and your head lifted forward. Do your best to plant your feet heel to toe and swing your arms as you move if it feels comfortable.

3. Make it a social activity.

Since walking isn’t usually too strenuous, it’s also a great time to catch up with friends or your spouse. Plus, by making your walk a social activity, you’ll be more likely to stick with it every day. If you don’t have a friend or neighbor who can join you for walking, check out walking groups in your area.

4. Don’t forget to breathe.

Even though walking should not cause you to breathe too heavily, it’s still important to make sure you’re using proper breathing techniques during exercise. Try to breathe deeply in pace with your walking speed, ideally inhaling through your nose only. Don’t be afraid to take a break or find somewhere to sit and rest if you begin to feel lightheaded or have difficulty catching your breath (another good reason why it’s best to walk with a buddy).

5. Wear proper shoes.

Comfortable and supportive footwear is essential for your daily walking habit. Some people need more structured shoes with arch support, while others are more comfortable with a more flexible shoe. If possible, get fitted in a shoe store or talk to your podiatrist about the right shoe qualities for your particular feet.

Remember, if you don’t feel up to doing 30 minutes each day right away, you can always start slowly and build up. Try for just 10 minutes each day or 30 minutes a few times a week and see how it makes you feel. And, as always, you should discuss any significant change in physical activity with your doctor first.

Walking is one way to feel healthier longer, but there are many other healthy habits that can boost your immune system and decrease the risk of dangerous conditions. Learn more in The Vitality Guide.

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