Senior Health: 6 Ways To Become Happier Right Now

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Ways to become happier right nowIt’s often said that for people to be truly happy, they must take responsibility for their own happiness rather than looking for it in other places. But in many cases, we don’t always know what to do to start the process. The good news is that it’s a lot easier to achieve happiness than you might expect — and it doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming, either. Here are six senior health tips for starting better habits and beginning your happiness journey.

1. Get Out

Getting out of the house can mean different things to different people, especially for introverts and extroverts. For an introvert, getting out may mean going for a walk, checking out a local museum or visiting a library, while an extrovert may benefit from joining a group class or a neighborhood meet-up. Whichever category you fall into, the trick is to get outside and do something you enjoy.

2. Smile at Someone

Smiles are contagious, and they can leave behind a lasting feeling of contentment. Catching someone’s eye at a bus stop or in line at the bank and giving a genuine smile will often result in a smile coming right back at you.

3. Compliment a Stranger

True admiration, true compliments can make a person’s day and may even turn a bad mood into a good one. As you go about your own day, watch out for nice things you can say to others. For example, you might compliment a customer service agent on how well he handled a difficult client in line in front of you, or a restaurant server on her good service.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering comes in many shapes and forms. Some senior volunteer positions have a schedule and volunteers work set hours, such as when helping out in an animal shelter or a local school. But other types of volunteer work are more “free form” and don’t require a schedule.

You could volunteer to knit hats for homeless people, or you could donate regularly to a community food bank. You could also approach local organizations and offer your services on an as-needed basis, perhaps writing a newsletter or making phone calls. There are many activities to choose from, and helping others is a great way to help yourself.

5. Watch or Read Something Enjoyable

Whether you love movies or television, or you’d rather read a book, find something funny or uplifting to enjoy. You could even listen to an audiobook as you garden, cook or go for a walk. Laughter is contagious, so if you hear others laugh, sometimes you just can’t help smiling or laughing yourself.

6. Keep a Gratitude Journal.

It’s often easier to remember the things that bugged us or that got us down throughout the day than the more pleasant things that crossed our path. Small things that made us smile may be forgotten if we don’t make special note of them.

So maybe at the end of every day, you can stop and make a note about the good things that happened. It could be as simple as someone helping you lift something heavy into your shopping cart, watching a puppy try to take its owner for a walk, receiving a kind email from an
old friend, or the bus driver humming a tune when you got on board.

Finding something to make you happy doesn’t need to be hard, but it might require your taking a step back and remembering the things that you enjoy, that make your time special to you. Once you start committing to happy habits, you’ll feel more positive every day.

Looking for more tips on looking and feeling your best? Check out our free resource: The Vitality Guide now.

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