Residents from Sun Health Communities Prepare for Trip to Israel

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Rabbi Jesse Charyn shares information with the Sun Health residents and friends headed to Israel on April 29 for a 12-day tour of the Holy Land.

It began with an informal conversation in 2017 between Sun Health Spiritual Life Director Rev. David Klumpenhower and Rabbi Jesse Charyn — then a job candidate for a chaplain job at Sun Health.

Jesse spoke excitedly of a recent tour he had led to Israel, David recalls. “I thought, wouldn’t it be great if our Spiritual Life team could organize a trip to Israel someday?” But he placed the idea on a “maybe someday” shelf in the back of his mind.

Fast forward two years. Jesse was hired for the chaplain position and the dream of an Israel trip began to take shape.

Sharon Grambow, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Sun Health Communities, loved the idea and gave the Spiritual Care team a green light to explore the possibility.

After months of planning, re-planning and persistence, the Israel dream will become a reality on April 29.

That’s when 27 people will board an El Al flight to Israel for a 12-day tour, billed as an “Interfaith Israel Tour.” The itinerary includes stops in Galilee, Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea and Jerusalem, with visits to multiple Jewish and Christian historical sights.

Of the 27 travelers, 16 are residents of one of Sun Health’s three communities, two are daughters of a resident, five are from the greater community and four are Sun Health employees. The latter group includes David and Jesse along with Grandview Terrace’s Executive Director Bhakti Gosalia and Customer Service Manager Debbie Sables.

David and Jesse have worked closely with local travel agency Ford’s World Travel and Amiel Tours, a licensed Israeli tour operator, to plan the trip.

Jesse knows the land, the culture and the history of Israel well, having lived there and served in the military. He’s an Israeli citizen, speaks Hebrew fluently and has led eight tours of the country.

Except for Jesse and one other person, all the travelers will be first-time visitors to Israel.

Excitement is growing as the departure date nears. “I think the highlight for me will be the history. It is the cradle of civilization,” Debbie says.

David is brimming with anticipation for the entire trip, but Jerusalem sits at the top of his list. “I want to sit down in the Old City of Jerusalem and have a good strong cup of coffee in a little café ,” he says.

Jesse can’t wait to share his love of the land with fellow travelers.

“I want to experience Israel vicariously through our residents. As they see, hear and taste things and as they engage in Israeli society, I want to be there to support them,” he says.

La Loma Village resident Susy Simonsgaard is eager for the experiences. “I’m looking forward to seeing the historic religious sights, especially the places where Jesus walked,” she says. “And, it doesn’t hurt that we have some great people leading us.”

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