Decorating Your Room in a Phoenix Assisted Living Facility

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When most folks transition from their home to a new room at a Phoenix assisted living facility – meeting the neighbors and deciding which of the daily activities they’ll enjoy attending – it’s common to experience some snags along the way. It’s not easy to leave a home you’ve lived and loved in for years, giving up some independence and entering a new phase of life.

One of the best ways to ease the transition is to do a little interior decorating, making the room feel more personal and familiar, like the home they’re leaving behind. Instead of buying all new belongings to decorate the room with, bring favorite items from home (like bedding and pictures) to make the room cozy, welcoming and brimming with happy memories.

Since the room is likely much smaller than the home they’re moving from, however, remember that less is more. Instead of cluttering the room with every knickknack your loved one has ever acquired, lighten their load by only bringing their most cherished possessions. Don’t bring along small items that are likely to disappear, or belongings with sharp edges that could wind up endangering your loved one. Do bring the basics like a clock with large numbers, a calendar, etc., but generally be choosy when selecting what will come along for the journey.

With a little patience and planning, decorating a room in a Phoenix assisted living facility can make the resident feel happy, content, and at home in their new residence. Stick with Sun Health Senior Living for more advice and insight into Phoenix Assisted Living communities!

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