‘Champions Aging in Community’ Book Features Residents & Volunteers

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Champions in Aging coverSeveral Sun Health Senior Living residents and a Sun Health Volunteer in Philanthropy (VIP) are featured in a new book, Champions, published by the Maricopa Association of Governments Municipal Aging Services Project. The book recounts the hopes, fears, and dreams older adults share about continuing to be part of their neighborhood as they age.

The book features photos and/or short blurbs by: Pat Watkins, Lester Dray, Phyllis Borysko, Jane Peck, Darlyne Putz and Sara Lyon, Weldon Jensen and Len Gibb from La Loma Village; Betty Laughlin and Sharon Vizzini from The Colonnade; and Sun Health VIP Betty Jamieson.

The idea for this book came about from listening to people’s mixed feelings about getting older and their very clear and consistent goal to remain independent, connected to community, and living in their own homes. The desire to age in place is a widespread priority in the region. People’s concerns about their ability to age in place are also well-documented. This book honors the people who are aging in place well and supports others who wish to do the same. The success stories that can illustrate the path forward are not to be found in best practices in other parts of the country, but right here in this region, within the lives of people quietly navigating the biggest shift of our time. All the stories, poetry, artwork, and photos were submitted by people living right here in our neighborhoods. This book would not be possible without the support of all those who submitted material in English, Chinese, and Spanish.

There are limited quantities of this free book available. For more information, please contact Rachel Brito at (602) 254-6300 or [email protected].

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