Can I join a continuing care at home program if my spouse or partner doesn’t medically qualify?

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Continuing care at home programs are ideal for those who want the benefits of an independent living retirement community focused on health and wellness, but aren’t interested in leaving their own home.

They provide a wide spectrum of health and wellbeing services, such as nutritional coaching, functional ability assessments to ensure members are able to remain independent, regular home safety assessments to identify when home modifications might be necessary, a personal emergency response system in case of falls or accidents, medication management services, access to activities and social events, and a smooth transition to skilled care, assisted living or memory care if it becomes necessary. Plus, it pays for any costs of care that health insurance or Medicare won’t cover, ensuring the member’s financial assets are protected if those costs become significant.

But what happens when a couple is ready to join and a spouse suddenly can’t medically qualify?

It doesn’t preclude the qualifying spouse from joining and many programs can provide some level of benefit to the non-qualifying spouse.

The qualifying process

When a couple joins a continuing care at home (CCaH) program, each individual spouse or partner has their own individual agreement. Finances may be held jointly, but each  person must pass the medical screening individually.

Learn more about the health screening requirements and exclusions here.

Like continuing care retirement communities, the CCaH evaluates a prospective member’s health at the time of application, so it can effectively evaluate the likelihood of them living independently in their own home without the need for advanced care, while balancing the cost of providing that care when the time comes.

Members must be able to live independently with minimal assistance and manage tasks of daily living on their own.

Services provided to the non-qualifying spouse or partner

It sometimes happens that one spouse doesn’t qualify, or an event happens before final paperwork is signed to disqualify someone.

We can’t speak for every CCaH, of course, but Sun Health at Home recognizes the stress and workload that a caregiving spouse deals with on a daily basis, and offers a Consultative Care Agreement for the spouse that does not qualify medically.

Image: Can I join a CCAH if my spouse doesn't medically qualify?This agreement offers all of the same health and wellness coordination benefits, in terms of a trusted health advisor to assess, refer, guide and advocate on behalf of the member. However, the program does not pay for long-term care services, such as assisted living, private-duty caregivers, skilled care and memory care. Whatever the Consultative Care member’s health insurance and Medicare doesn’t pay must be handled out-of-pocket by the member.

They also do everything in their power to help the qualifying member—the spouse who did qualify—remain healthy. Caregiving at this level takes an enormous toll on loved ones, and the CCaH program completely supports the qualifying spouse, surrounding them with services and resources to remain healthy and independent as they care for their ill spouse.

Consultative Care Agreements require a much smaller entrance fee and monthly service fee than what the qualifying member will pay, since it does not include payment of all services. Those fees are determined by the CCaH.

Sun Health at Home is the only CCaH program in Arizona, so if seeking a program in a different state, be sure to ask how they handle a spouse that does not meet health requirements. Their program may differ greatly from ours, or be unavailable.

On a closing note, this type of agreement is only available in conjunction with a spouse or significant other who qualifies for the program. It is not available on its own.

If you’d like to learn more about Sun Health at Home, a continuing care at home program designed to handle long-term care needs of those who prefer to age in place, reserve your spot now at our free, no-obligation discovery seminar or call (623) 227- HOME (4663).  

Sun Health at Home is the first CCaH program in the southwestern United States, and the only one available in Arizona.

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