The Colonnade’s Teaching Kitchen: Superfood Cranberries

The Colonnade’s Chef Jose and Zsuzsa teach how to cook superfoods.
Sun Health La Loma Village’s Executive Sous Chef’s cooking demonstration on AZ Family Morning News

Chef Estrada, who is an active member of the nonprofit organization GUT (Gastronomic Union of Tucson), was selected to join a small team of chefs to represent the City of Tucson. The team prepared a menu featuring regional favorites – elote (in a fun, deconstructed “cocktail” for easy eating) and a Sonoran hot dog – […]
LeadingAge 2023: Grandview Terrace’s Fitness Team wins Best Practice Award

Grandview Terrace Fitness Team was recieved the 2023 Best Practices Award from Arizona LeadingAge. The Best Practices Award is presented to a “best practice” program or service that promotes and enhances the quality of life for residents, staff, and/or the surrounding community. Congratulations!
The Colonnade Staying Safe and Staying Connected We wanted to share with you this special video message from our community leaders, staff members and residents of The Colonnade. While we adapt to staying safe, healthy and connected in the midst of these challenging times, we look forward to a brighter tomorrow—when we can once again enjoy each other’s company again.
La Loma Village Adapting Today For A Brighter Tomorrow

At La Loma Village we’re taking social distancing seriously, and implementing comprehensive protocols for the best interests of those that call our community home. After all, even while we stay apart, we can still work together to ensure a thriving, healthy lifestyle for all.
Grandview Terrace Staying Connected, Even While Apart

From all of us here at Grandview Terrace, we hope you and your loved ones are staying well. It’s safe to say life has changed considerably in the recent months, but what hasn’t changed is our commitment to the health and wellbeing of those we serve.
Dr. Landry from Masterpiece Living® discusses their partnership with Sun Health Communities.

Masterpiece Living® is a nationally recognized program and research-based way of life that focuses on four key dimensions: physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual. Guided by the MacArthur Foundation’s research on aging, Masterpiece Living fosters a culture for successful aging.
3 Excellence In Service Amber Swenson GVT

Amber Swenson joined the service team at Grandview Terrace just a few short years ago, while still in high school. With her dedication to service, strong work ethic, and friendly attitude, she’s quickly become a valuable asset to the Grandview Terrace Team. For more information about Sun Health Senior Living LifeCare Communities, or to make […]
GVT Flash Mob 2017

We held a flash mob at Grandview Terrace! For more information about Sun Health Senior Living LifeCare Communities, or to make tour reservations, visit us on line, or call today! 623-236-3767
Sun Health at Home: The Plan You Want, In The Home You Love

Home is where the heart is. It may sound like a cliché, but for many of us, the word “home” evokes strong feelings and fond memories created with family and friends. Home is the foundation of our daily lives, a shelter of comfort and security, a place we want to be, surrounded by familiar objects […]