ADLs, Explained
When it comes to planning for your future, it’s never too early to consider the next steps in your retirement. Having a plan in place while you’re in good health will help you in the event that your health needs change. One term you may encounter as you begin planning is ADLs, or activities of […]
10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Active at Home
Just like physical exercise builds muscle in your body, your brain strengthens when you exercise it. While spending time at home, it is important to still prioritize your mental health and keep your mind active. Taking simple steps daily to keep your brain healthy can have a significant impact over time. There are several ways […]
9 Unexpected Energy Boosters for Older Adults
When most people think of “energy boosters,” they think of coffee, energy drinks and other caffeine-containing products. While the jury’s out on the merits of caffeine, relying on it for daily energy can certainly create haphazard peaks and valleys in your energy levels. Fortunately, there are plenty of better, more sustainable strategies for staying alert […]
Memory Care: For When It’s No Longer ‘Just Forgetfulness’
We all forget things from time to time. In fact, most of us forget a lot. Do you remember what you had for dinner Tuesday two weeks ago, or what you were wearing? Unless it was a special occasion, probably not — because it’s not something you were trying to remember. As we age, though, […]
20 ways to make your heart healthier and happier
You only have one heart. It works hard for you your whole life, nonstop. Show it some love. Even small changes in your lifestyle can make a real difference. “It’s like finding the fountain of youth…People who follow these steps not only live longer, but they also spend a lot more time healthy, without cardiovascular […]
How to Spot a Scam, and What to Do When You Do
Unscrupulous individuals are using advances in technology and increasingly creative approaches in their attempts to deceive you into giving them money or personal information they can use to steal your identity. Some will go so far as pretending to be a government official, a representative of your bank, or even a friend or relative. So […]
The ABCs of Aging in Place
Deciding the right path for your retirement is not always as easy as ABC. That is why Sun Health Communities is happy to keep you informed so you feel comfortable with all of your retirement options. Here are definitions behind the common terms you’ll encounter as you start researching aging in place. Activities of […]
6 Happiness Tips for Seniors
It’s the one thing everyone wants: happiness. Yet, with senior depression rates on the rise, it seems like older adults are having a harder time achieving happiness. If you think you may be suffering from clinical depression, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms and treatment options. But if you’re just having […]
15 Home Modifications That Can Make It Easier to Age in Place
A growing number of Americans would like to stay in their home as long as possible. According to AARP, 76% of Americans 50 and older intend to remain in their current home as they age. As more and more people opt to age in place than ever before, staying safe and comfortable in your own […]
8 Foods Older Adults Should Avoid Eating
Food plays a central role in all of our lives. Eating is both a way to sustain ourselves and an important part of our culture. People often mark major life events with a large feast—from wedding cakes to birthday cakes, beautiful holiday spreads with family to casual lunches with friends. Who doesn’t look forward to […]