5 Questions to Ask if You’re Considering Aging in Place

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Is There an Alternative to Nursing Homes?While nursing homes and assisted living centers are a great option for many older adults, they may not feel like the right choice for you. As you plan for your own long-term care, you may find yourself asking, “Is there an alternative to nursing homes?”

Luckily, the answer is a resounding YES! Thanks to the continuing care at home movement , more and more older adults are embracing the option of staying in their homes and living independently longer. If you aren’t familiar with the concept of aging in place, it refers to a growing trend of older adults staying in their homes and communities safely and comfortably, regardless of their age or health.

However, a key phrase in that definition—and a key component of successfully aging in place, in general—is the ability to do so safely and comfortably. If you’re interested in aging in place, there are a few factors you’ll first need to take into consideration to ensure your personal situation meets these requirements.

5 Questions to Ask if You’re Considering Aging in Place

  • What are your current or expected health concerns?
    No one can predict the future, but taking a realistic look at your health and ability to care for yourself is an important step in determining if aging in place is the right choice for you. People who age in place often rely on a support team—typically either family members or hired caregivers—so knowing what your needs may be can help you determine both the financial and logistical feasibility of aging in place.
  • What changes would you need to make to your home?
    It’s not uncommon for older adults who choose to age-in-place to make several accommodating renovations to their homes. These changes may be as simple as adding additional lighting to a room and installing railings on both sides of the stairs, or as complex as adding a first-floor master bedroom and upgrading to a zero entry shower. Think carefully about your individual physical needs or potential future health concerns to best determine how the existing layout of your home can work long-term.


  • What level of support do you currently have (and what would you still need)?
    You might have a family member nearby who can help with basic caregiving or you may want to look into hiring a home care nurse or aid, depending on your needs. Evaluate the level of support you currently have available and consider what you might need in the future. Even though your needs may change, it’s helpful to prepare a plan.
  • How do my finances align with my plans?
    In most cases, aging in place is the less expensive alternative to nursing homes or assisted living centers. However, you still need to budget for any home renovations or long-term care, so don’t be afraid to look at the numbers.
  • Will transportation be a concern?
    If you aren’t currently able to drive yourself places, or don’t have access to reliable transportation, you’ll need to think about how you’ll still manage to get around. Do you have someone who can take you to appointments or help you run errands? Consider how you’ll address this question if you become unable to drive in the future.

Above all, remember you have options—and there is an alternative to moving to a nursing home. Aging in place allows you to maintain your independence and stay in the home you know and love. With the right planning and preparation, you can design a future that suits all of your wants and needs.

Interested in more information on aging in place? Check out our free eBook, Aging in Place: A Popular Trend for a New Generation of Seniors.


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