7 Easy Home Technology Devices Seniors Love

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home technology devices seniors love
There’s no denying many devices on the market today make our lives infinitely easier. But while incorporating new technologies into your day can improve your quality of life, taking the time to learn how to use them can be an intimidating process. And with so many options, it can be a challenge to know what’s worth the cost.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of a few easy and affordable home technologies seniors should consider using to improve their health and home life.

1. Motion-Sensor Lighting

Dark rooms can quickly become danger zones, and fumbling around for a light switch can increase your risk of falling. With motion-sensor lighting that activates as soon as you enter a space, you’ll never have to worry about walking into a dark room again.

2. Thermostats with Wi-Fi

There’s nothing worse than feeling too hot or too cold after you’ve already snuggled into bed for the night. But with thermostats like the Nest connected to Wi-Fi, you can easily turn up the heat or air conditioning from your smartphone from anywhere in your home. Don’t have a smartphone? Don’t worry—there are also wireless thermostats that come with their own portable receiver.

3. Voice-Command Television

If you’ve ever dropped the remote control under the couch, you know the benefits of a voice-command television. Now you can turn on your TV, change the channel and turn up the volume—all without pushing a single button.

4. Medication Monitors

You’ll never forget to take your medication again with a medication monitor. Various models on the market can remind you to take medication daily, remind you when your prescription needs to be refilled, or even call an emergency contact if you don’t take your medication within a certain time period.

5. Activity Trackers

For the senior who is interested in becoming more active, an activity tracker like Fitbit or Jawbone can be the perfect solution. You can set movement goals, track your steps, measure your calories, keep an eye on your heart rate and much more.

6. eReader

Retirement is a great time to catch up on all those books you always meant to read. With an eReader, you can order books and have them immediately added to your device. No more giant stacks of books on the nightstand, and no more running out of reading material.

7. Alert Systems

A wearable alert system can connect you with the help you need if you suffer a fall, which is particularly important for seniors who live alone. But don’t worry—alert systems have come a long way from a bulky pendant you have to wear around your neck. You can even find a smartwatch with alert features specifically designed for seniors.

There are many more home technologies available, and more invented every year. By taking advantage of these investments, you can improve your quality of life and secure your independence well into your retirement.

Interested in learning more about living independently? Discover the benefits of aging in place in our free guide, Aging in Place: A Popular Trend for a New Generation of Seniors.

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