4 Perfect Reasons to Consider a Life Care Plan

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Linda Esparza,
Wellness Coordinator/Registered Nurse Case Manager

Planning ahead provides a certain level of comfort and, especially for older adults who worry about remaining independent, a Life Care plan can be the ultimate way to prepare for the future.

“Life comes unexpectedly,” says Wellness Coordinator Linda Esparza, RN, BSN. “This allows people to plan ahead and be prepared, especially those who don’t have children nearby or simply want to avoid being a burden on family and friends.”

This fear isn’t unfounded. According to Caregiver.org, 34.2 million Americans have provided care to an adult relative age 50 or older in the last 12 months, and 15.7 million adults are a caregiver for someone in their family with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.

Life Care plans ensure the costs of caregiving and assisted living are covered, nicely filling in the gaps left by Medicare and releasing family from any obligation to step in as caregivers or help financially. It provides guaranteed long-term care services and coordination of care for the rest of the member’s lifespan, no matter what happens to their health or finances later in life. In many states, these programs are regulated by the state’s Department of Insurance or similar regulatory body.

In some ways, it makes your retirement nest egg future-proof!

The peace-of-mind it provides can be substantial, too. The impact of declining health on our loved ones is something we all think about as we age and for many, the decision to purchase a Life Care plan brings tremendous relief. There are no decisions left for others to make on their behalf, should they lose their independence or mobility. Because it’s pre-planned, their care is already arranged.

Life Care plans aren’t ideal for everyone, since it requires certain health and financial criteria to be eligible. However, if one of these questions are an area of concern for you, then exploring a Life Care plan might be a great idea.  

1. I don’t have children, or they live far away. Who will care for me if I need help?

2. My parent has Alzheimer’s disease… what if it happens to me, too?

3. What if I outlive my money?

4. Can I find support if my spouse passes away and I’m living alone?

If you’d like to discuss available options for these questions, or learn more about Life Care and Sun Health at Home, reserve your spot now at a free, no-obligation discovery seminar near you. 

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