Everyone has memory lapses from time to time, but as we age, these interruptions in your memory may begin to worry you more. The brain is a mysterious organ, but research is starting to show that the healthier we are both physically and mentally, the better our memory can function. Here are five senior brain health tips to boost your memory power.
1. Exercise
Exercise helps you stay healthy and fight off certain diseases, but did you know it can also improve brain function? This is because exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which is why you may find that you think faster and clearer after moderate physical activity.
It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week, such as:
- Brisk walking
- Dancing
- Yoga
And it doesn’t have to be all at once. A walk every day for about 15 to 20 minutes can do the trick. If you aren’t currently active and want to start an exercise program, speak with your doctor first. Start slowly and work your way up to your exercise goal.
2. Eat Better
The importance of eating a healthy diet to stay in shape is something you’ve heard your entire life. The thing is, it’s true. A healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains, as well as low-fat proteins (lean meat, fish). Research suggests consuming antioxidants may help protect memory as well. Foods high in antioxidants include blueberries, cranberries, kale, artichokes, sweet potatoes, and many kind of nuts.
3. Get More Sleep
As you age, it can become more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. And if you’re tired, you may forget things more easily. If you’re having trouble sleeping, you may be able to improve your sleep by doing the following:
- Go to bed at the same time each night.
- Ban electronics (including television) from your bedroom.
- Ensure your room is dark and quiet. (If you can’t change the environment, a sleep mask and earplugs may be helpful.)
- Avoid drinking alcohol before bed. (While it may make you sleepy, it won’t promote restful sleep.)
- Don’t eat or exercise within two hours of bedtime.
4. Stay Mentally Active
Get out and about, join groups and meet friends for activities. Use technology to keep in touch with out-of-town family and friends. Do mental puzzles, such as crossword or math exercises, or learn a new skill such as a new language or a musical instrument.
5. Take Supplements
Many people take supplements to give themselves a physical or mental boost. If you take a supplement, it is very important that you discuss with your doctor, especially if you are taking any prescription medicines. If you only take over-the-counter medicines, check with your pharmacist that the supplements do not interact with the drugs you are taking.
Some of the most common supplements to boost memory include:
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Ginko biloba
- Vitamins B6 and B12
- Vitamin E
- Folic acid
These above suggestions can help increase your mental abilities and help reduce brain fog. Remember, your body and brain works together to keep you in tip-top shape. By paying close attention to both, you can age healthfully and feel great for many years to come.
Looking for more tips and advice on living a healthier lifestyle? Check out our free resource, The Vitality Guide.