Sun Health At Home is facing the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic head-on. Through innovative solutions, we have maintained a sense of community and connection between our members and staff. Even as we stay safely apart in these times of social distancing, we can still provide support and peace of mind. Throughout the past eight weeks, we’ve maintained contact with our at-home members and added additional measures to make sure our members remain safe and active at home.
Continued Wellness Coordinator support
In the first few days of the crisis, our Wellness Coordinators immediately contacted members individually to check-in and ensure their food and medication supplies were sufficient. The Wellness Coordinators, who are also registered nurses, addressed questions and concerns from members, making sure they understood stay-at-home restrictions and felt they had adequate access to essential items.
For members receiving care, our Wellness Coordinators maintained their weekly visits. Coordinators have also gone the extra mile and done grocery shopping for high-risk members, as well as supporting members who live alone through weekly check-in phone calls. Whether it’s a trip to the store or arranging safe in-home services, our Wellness Coordinators remain available 24/7 to provide support when it’s needed the most.
Member engagement and socialization
Staying connected is still possible, even while we’re apart. With this new kind of connectivity in mind, Sun Health At Home established a weekly “Member Chat” held via Zoom every Friday afternoon. It’s a chance for members and staff to connect, unwind, and enjoy some fun conversation. In past weeks, calls have included games, activities and more—including “guess the baby photo” matching game where participants sent in their photos. Engaging through video chat provides a way for members to see the friendly faces they know and gives peace of mind that they’re still a part of a community even while staying at home.
The digital world is increasingly important in this “new normal,” with much of our socialization coming from online. While we can’t have our regular monthly events, gatherings, or social outings, we can still foster the same sense of community in other ways. That’s why we launched a private Facebook page for members to keep in contact with one another. It’s our way of making sure that friendships, both new and old, continue to flourish. And, it helps ensure that no member feels isolated or forgotten.
Using technology in new ways
We’ve embraced technology as we look to find new and effective ways to continue supporting the needs of Sun Health At Home members. With the help of various platforms, apps, and mediums, we can continue to provide the same level of service and support that our members have always had access to.
Video conferences
One of the many services provided by Sun Health At Home is the support of a Wellness Coordinator at doctor’s appointments and in communication with physicians. This integration with our members’ care teams allows us to help them navigate the complex healthcare system and ensure they always have someone available to advocate on their behalf. While it’s not physically possible for this to happen in the times of COVID-19, we’ve found a solution with the help of modern technology. By utilizing video conference calls, we can still be present for important conversations with physicians conducting their appointments via telehealth. Our Wellness Coordinators are there to ask the important questions, help members navigate insurance benefits, and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Virtual assessments
As part of their membership benefits, Sun Health At Home members receive an annual assessment that evaluates their health and wellness from a holistic approach. This includes a review of physical and cognitive health, strength and nutrition, home safety, and a review of any new medical issues or medications a member may have. The results from this assessment help guide our recommendations for home modifications, support services or technology to help them live as independently as possible. Social distancing recommendations created a need for us to modify how we complete our annual assessments. With the help of technology, we can complete these assessments over the phone or via Zoom. This allows members to receive their yearly assessments on-schedule while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
For prospective members, we can complete our application process over the phone or through Zoom as well. It’s a great way to ensure we can still share the perks of joining Sun Health At Home and help new members get established without needing to meet in person.
In challenging times, laughter is more important than ever. Our new “Daily Dose” eblast provides a quick bit of humor and delivers smiles straight to the inbox every day. An email may not seem like much, but it’s an easy way to let members know that we’re thinking of them and are always available to provide support.
Keeping our focus on what’s important
Even though life looks very different these days, and we’re operating differently in response, one thing remains the same—our commitment to our members and our mission. As Arizona’s first Continuing Care at Home program, Sun Health At Home strives to help members live happy, healthy, and independent in the homes they love. With the support of a personal Wellness Coordinator, each member has a partner and advocate to rely on as they age in place. Even as we adapt to these challenging times, we’re still working as hard as ever to ensure that no stone goes unturned in our mission to make aging in place stress-free, manageable, and most importantly, enjoyable.
Contact Sun Health At Home
If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about aging successfully in the home you love as a Sun Health At Home member, our membership counselors are available for virtual or over the phone appointments. From the comfort of your home, you can also view a Sun Health At Home Discovery Seminar and learn more about our program and our history as one of Arizona’s leading advocates for healthy living. Contact us online to schedule a virtual appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable membership counselors.